- BENG DIHQANTAMA - 20207204
- JOKO ADI PRASETYO - 20207612
- LITA PRADITHA - 20207663
1.Describe the hallmarks of scientific research.
2.What are the steps in hypothetico-deductive research? Explain them, using an example not in the book.
3.One hears the word research being mentioned by various groups, including research organizations, college and university professors, doctoral students, graduate assistants working for faculty, graduate and undergraduate students doing their term papers, research departments in industries, newspaper reporters, journalist, lawyers, doctors, and other professionals and nonprofessionals. In the light of what you have learned in this chapter. Which among the aforementioned groups of people doo you think may be doing ”scientific” investigations in the areas of basic or applied research? Why?
4.Explain the processes of deduction and induction, giving an example of each.
5.If research in the management area cannot be 100 percent scientific, why bother to do it at all? Comment on this statement.
6.Critique the following research done in a service industry as to the extent to which it meets the hallmarks of scientific investigation discussed in this chapter.
The Friendly Telephone Company
Customer complaints were mounting, and letters of complaint regarding the problems they experienced with the residential telephones lines were constantly pouring in at the Friendly Telephone Company. The company wanted to pinpoint the specific problems and take corrective action.
Researchers were called in, and they to a number of customers, keeping notes on the nature of the specific problems they faced. Since the problems had to be attended to very quickly, they developed a theoretical base, collected relevant detailed information from a sample of 100 customers, and analyzed the data. The results are expected to be fairly accurate with at least 85 percent chance of success in problem solving. The researchers will make recommendations to the company based o the result of data analysis.
Answer :
1. The hallmarks of scientific research ;
· Purposiveness
· Rigor
· Testability
· Replicability
· Precision and Confidence
· Objectivity
· Generalizability
· Parsimony
2. The steps in hypothetico-deductive method of research ;
· Observation : the first stage, in which one senses that certain change are occurring, or that some new behaviors, attitudes, and feelings are surfacing in one’s environment.
· Preliminary information gathering : involves the seeking of information in depth, of what is observed.
· Theory formulation : an attempt to integrate all the information in a logical manner, so that the reason for the problem can be conceptualized and tested.
· Hypothesizing : the next logical step can be tested to determine if the statement would be supported.
· Further scientific data collection : data on every variable in the theoretical framework from which hypotheses are generated should also be collected.
· Data analysis : the data gathered are statistically analyzed to see if the hypotheses that were generated have been supported.
· Deduction : process of arriving at conclusions by interpreting the meaning of the data analysis result.
Example of the application of the hypothetico-deductive method of research ; A sales manager might observe that customers are perhaps not as before.
· Observation : He is not certain about that but he has uneasy feelings regarding declining customer satisfaction.
· Preliminary information gathering : The next step calls for some preliminary data gathering. The manager might talk casually to few consumer about how they feel about the product and customer service.
· Formulating a theory : He might find that consumers like the product but are upset because many of the items they need are frequently out of stock, and they perceive the salespersons as not being helpful. He find that the supply is not on time.
· Hyphothesizing : Gathering data formally and informally helped him to determine that a problem dose exist.
· Data collection : It help him also to formulate a conceptual mode or theoretical framework of all factors contributing to the problem.
· Data analysis : In this case there is network of connections among the following factors: -delays by the factory in delivering goods; -the notification of later delivery dates, which may not kept; -the promises of salespersons to the consumers that cannot met.
· Deduction : we found from the data analysis that all of which contribute to the customer dissatisfactions.
3. Research departments in industries group of people doing scientific investigation in basic research. Because from other professionals and nonprofessionals groups of people beginning doing scientific investigation are their.
4. Deduction is the process by which we arrive at a reasoned conclusion by logically generalizing from a known fact. For example, we know that all high performers are highly proficient in their jobs. If john is a high performer, we then conclude that he is highly proficient in doing his job. Induction is a process where we observe certain phenomena and on this basis arrive at conclusions. In other words, in induction we logically establish a general proposition based on observe facts. For instance, we see that the production processes are the prime features of factories or manufacturing plants. We therefore conclude the factories exist for production purposes. Both the deductive and the inductive processes are applied in scientific investigations.
5. The manager also realizes that although organizational research cannot offer 100 percent accuracy in results, choices and trade-offs among the various criteria of scientific investigation can be made to obtain valid results for good decision making.
6. The problem had to be attended to very quickly and the results are expected to be fairly accurate with at least 85 percent chance of success in problem solving. The friendly telephone company solving the problem based on the hallmarks of scientific research.
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