1. BENG DIHQANTAMA - 20207204
2. JOKO ADI PRASETYO - 20207612
3. LITA PRADITHA - 20207663
Chapter 10
1.As a manager,you have invited a research team to come in study and offer suggestions on how to improve the performance of your staff.What steps would you take to allay their appreheseions even before the research team sets foot in your departement?
2.What is bias ,and how can it be reduced during interviews?
3.Explain the principles of wording,stating how these are important in questionare sedign,citing examples not in the book.
4.What are projective techniques and how can they be profitably used?
5.Describe the different data sources,explaining their uselfulness and disadvantages.
6.How are multiple methods of data collection and from multiple sources related to the reliability abd validity of measures?
7. “every data collection methods has its own built-in biases,therefore,resorting to multimethods of data collection is only going to compound the biases “how would you critique this statement?
8. “One way to deal with discrepancies found in data obtained from multiple sources is to average the figures and take the mean as the value of the variable “What is your reaction to this?
9.How has the advancement in technology helped data gathering?
10.How will you use the data from observational study to reach scientic conclusions?
11. “The fewer the biases in measurement and the data collection procedurea,the more scientific the research.Comment on this statement.
1.It can be from company records or archieves,government publications,industry analysis offered by the media,websites,the internet,and so on,I some cases we can make environtment or particular setting and event
2. Bias is a situational as well,interms of 1 no participants,2 trust levels and repport established,and the physical setting for the interview,to ask to someone who want to get job on company
3.The priciples of wording refer to such factors as,the appropriateness of the content of the questions are worded and the level of sophistication of the language used,the thype and form of question asked,the squencing of the question and the personal data sought from the respondent,is likely a different questionare sedign principles should focus in three areas,and to minimize biases in research.
4.Projective techniques is an unobstrustive methods of data collection sich as extrating data from company records have the advantage of accuracy.For instance,attedance records will probably give a truer and more reliable picture of absenteensim of employess than eliciting the information directly from the respondents,they can be profitably use administered by researchers who have had training in administering them and interpreting the result,They are more frequently used in marketing research.
5. Usefulness is mean a instrument is using for the purpose,disavadtages is mean is interviewing is that the respondent could milaterally terminate the interview without warning or explanation by face to face or hanging up the phone.
6.Because using multiple methods of data collection and from multiple sources related to reability and validity of the measure to collecting data through to of them for instance,if the responses collected through interviews,Questionare and observation are strongly comelated with one another,then we will have more confidence.
7. I think is might resorting to multimethods of data collectin is only going to compound the biases,the data observed from the researcher’s point of view are likely to be prone to observer biases,and can be to minimize observer bias observer are usually trained on how to observe and what to record
8.My reaction of this statement is almost all data collection methods have some biases associated with them,there fore high correlaltions among data obtained on the same variable from different sources and through different data collection methods lend more credibility to the research instrument and to the data obtained through these instrument and to the data obtained through these instrument
9.With a interviewing
- Questionnares and questionare design,observational studies and sources of data is can be helped we to data gathering
10. I will use a advantages of observational studies and disadvantages of observational studies,data observed from the research point of view to be prone to observer bias,usually trained on to observe and to record
1. What is the relevant target population of focus to the study?
The Population frame is a listing of all the elements in the population from which the sample is drawn. The payroll of an organization would serve as the population fram if its members are to be studied.
2. What exactly are the parameters we are interested in investigating?
In research investigations involving several hundreds and even thousands of elements, it would be practically impossible to collect data from, or test, or examine very element. Even if it were possible, it would be prohibitive in terms of time, cost, and other human resources. Studying a sample rather than the entire population is also sometimes likely to lead to more reliable results, mostly because fatigue is reduces, resulting in fewers errors in collecting data.
3. What is the sample size needed?
Sample sizes larger than 30 less than 500 are appropriate for most research
1. When we collect data on the effects of the threatment in experimental designs, which statistical test would be most appropriate to test the treatment effects?
We saw the steps necessary to get the data ready for analysis – editing, coding, and categoring.
1. Why is it necessary to have the letter of authorization in the report?
A copy of the letter of authorization from the sponsor of the study,approving the investigation and detailing its scope, will be attached at the beginning of the report.
2. Discuss the purpose and contents of the executive summary?
The executive summary is a brief account of the research study that provides an overview, and highlights the following important information related to the study.
1. If you want to know whether three grops of employess – those who have been with the organization between 4 and 6 years, between 7 and 9 years, and between 10 and 12 years – are different in the number if trips they have taken outside of the city on business work, what statistical test would you use and why?
Use between 10 and 12 years, I used it because from this choice, we can know how long employee work in the company. We can find correlation between the employee and years theirs work to that company.
Kelompok Riset Akuntansi-3EB12
2.JOKO ADI P. - 20207612
3.PURRI S. - 20207860
4. LITHA PRADITHA - 20207663
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